Initial findings from this 2-year clinical trial (the Oxford
Vitacog Study) showed significant benefits in older adults with Mild Cognitive Impairment from dietary supplementation with Vitamins B6, B12 and folate for:
This new study shows that
the protective effect of B vitamins in slowing cognitive decline and preventing dementia depended on initial blood levels of the long-chain omega-3 fatty acids, EPA and DHA.
When participants were divided into three equal groups, ranked according to their baseline blood omega-3 (EPA+DHA), only those participants with medium or high plasma omega-3 levels showed reduced cognitive and clinical decline following B vitamin supplementation.
Those with the lowest blood omega-3 levels did not benefit from the B vitamins.
These findings mirror those from an earlier study, which showed that the effect of B vitamins in slowing the rate of physical brain shrinkage also depended on good initial omega-3 status. (see
Jernerén et al., 2015)For a summary of this research, see the associated news article:
See also:
and the associated news article (including an exclusive FAB interview with Dr Jernerén)
For details of the initial publications from this Vitacog study, please see: