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Vitamin D - News

Vitamin deficiency may be why you’re so tired
Junk Food Diet Causes 12-Year-Old Boy to Go Permanently Blind
Sugar Substitute Tied to Higher Risk for Heart Attack, Stroke
Prenatal supplements fall woefully short in providing crucial nutrition during pregnancy – and most women don’t even know it
More wild fish should be eaten, not fed to salmon, scientists say
What’s the best diet for healthy sleep? A nutritional epidemiologist explains what food choices will help you get more restful z’s
Got period pain or cramps? What to eat and avoid, according to science
Clinical trial data suggests prenatal vitamin D reduces a child's risk of asthma
FAB WEBINAR - Feeding Humanity: The Key Role of Nutrition in the Mental Health Crisis
Vitamin D alters developing neurons in the brain's dopamine circuit, finds study
A larger dose of vitamin D may decrease psychiatric symptoms at school age
Research calls for DHA supplementation in vegetarian breastfeeding mothers
Why drinking more milk could be good for your brain
Seaweed, sardines and sauerkraut: the best diet for your brain at every stage of life
Could vitamin D help ward off suicide?
Offspring obesity: review stresses “urgent need” to address maternal vitamin D deficiencies
Study shows impact of vitamin D, thyroid hormones on child development
COVID and your gut: how a healthy microbiome can reduce the severity of infection – and vice versa
Vitamin D could alleviate depression and support women’s health
Study calls for change in guidance about eating fish during pregnancy
Vitamin D supplements reduce depressive symptoms in adults - new meta-analysis
Researchers find strong evidence for prenatal vitamins, but find few products that meet recommendations
Vitamin D deficiency directly linked to dementia
Study finds vitamin D supplements with or without Omega-3s decreased risk of autoimmune diseases
Survey Results: Nutraceuticals More Beneficial Than Pharmaceuticals for Autism
Vitamin D supplements may reduce the duration of the common cold
Study: Vitamin D deficiency exacerbates use and misuse of pain meds
Mediterranean diet with oily fish could help reduce migraine frequency
Vegan diets in children may bring heart benefits but pose growth risks
Could what we eat improve our sleep?
How to make COVID vaccines more effective: give people vitamin and mineral supplements
Plant-based diets can pose a risk to bone health if adequate calcium and vitamin D intakes are not ensured
Vitamin D supplementation: Possible gain in life years combined with cost savings
Vegan diet significantly remodels metabolism in young children
Does vitamin D combat Covid?
#VitaminDforAll (Vitamin D for everyone)
ARFID: the eating disorder that makes people fear food
'Alarmingly high' vitamin D deficiency in the United Kingdom
Vitamin D the clue to more Autism spectrum disorder in boys
Study reveals connection between gut bacteria and vitamin D levels
Time to add some sunshine (vitamin D) to milk and bread
Americans don’t eat enough fish and miss out on robust health benefits
Vitamin D lessens symptoms of severe eczema in children
Why COVID makes it more important than ever that pregnant (and breastfeeding) women take vitamin D
Vitamin D levels during pregnancy linked with child IQ - AGAIN
Study: Maternal vitamin D deficiency could impair baby's cognitive development
Exercise and nutrition regimen benefits physical, cognitive health
Soy, oat, almond, rice, coconut, dairy: which ‘milk’ is best for our health?
Review finds vitamin D and some minerals might benefit fibromyalgia sufferers
Influence of vitamin D supplementation on a baby's gut microbiome