Food and Behaviour Research

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Adult Mental Health: The Role of Nutrition - WATCH HERE

Information For Parents/Carers

If you want to know more about how some simple dietary changes could improve your child's (and your own!) mental, and physical health, wellbeing and performance - and how to put those changes into practice:

  • Sign up HERE to receive our FREE newsletters, together with special handouts and bite-size videos for parents. 

And find out about our latest webinars and other events here.

FAB Research wants to help you.

  • Are you confused about what a healthy diet should look like? 
  • Do you try hard to give your child a well-balanced diet, but struggle to work out what that really is?
  • Does getting the family (or even yourself!) to eat more healthily often seem to be a losing battle?

If so, you’re not alone!! 

We’re constantly bombarded with information about nutrition and diet.  But much of it is conflicting (at least on the surface) - which can make ‘healthy eating’ seem more confusing than it is.

Good nutrition is critical for healthy brains as well as bodies – and our diets really can affect the way we feel, think and behave. Nutrition is essential at every stage of life, but it’s particularly important during pregnancy and early childhood.  As one study, Childhood diet has lifelong impact, highlighted: “You are not only what you eat, but what you ate as a child”. 

Here at FAB Research, we summarise the latest news to keep you informed, and provide other resources to help you improve your child’s and family’s diets. This can help improve not only their physical, but also their mental health and wellbeing - and with it, their behaviour, learning and mood


Essential Reading

front cover of book 'They are what you feed them'

Discover how dietary changes can improve behaviour, learning and mood
- and how you can help your child to eat better, feel better and learn better

For all children, food and diet influence their emotions, behaviour and ability to learn 
- because good nutrition is needed for a healthy brain, as well as a healthy body

But research shows that diet can be particularly important for children with behaviour and learning difficulties
like ADHD, autism, dyslexia and dyspraxia

This book explains the scientific evidence in simple terms
and includes a '12 week plan' to help parents put into practice
new eating habits to help their child achieve their potential

"It's your life, and your child's life, that we are focussing on in this book"  

Dr Alex Richardson

  • Do you need help with your child’s nutrition?  
  • Are you struggling with their behaviour, mood or learning, and wondering if diet could make a difference?  
  • Or do you already know that a poor diet is part of the problem, but are finding it impossible to make the changes needed? 

If so, join FAB Research, and you’ll get a FREE online consultation with the world-renowned Dr Alex Richardson – a leading researcher in the field, and author of ‘They Are What You Feed Them’.  Ask her your own questions – and get information and advice that could improve your child’s physical and mental health not only now, but for life. Recent topics discussed with new FAB Associates include:

  • Simple dietary changes that can help reduce temper tantrums
  • How improving nutrition can help mood, behaviour and learning in Autism, ADHD and Dyslexia
  • Managing stress, anxiety and depression - dietary strategies
  • Dealing with food cravings, and tactics to help children improve food choices
  • Nutrition in pregnancy, and the links between gut, immune and brain health 

"I cannot thank Dr Alex Richardson enough for the help that she has given my family. She has transformed our daughter’s life and has given us so much hope for her future" – Parent of an Autistic child

"Dr Richardson has the ability to bridge the gap between her knowledge from the forefront of science and my need to find good information as a parent. More than that – she genuinely cares about helping parents access up to date information on nutrition and behaviour" - Naomi

Children's Food and Mood - What Works, and What Matters?

Children's Food and Mood - FAB Event
  • Find out what dietary changes can help to improve mood, behaviour and learning in children with or without ADHD, autism or related conditions

  • And crucially - learn how those changes can be achieved in practice - and get your own questions answered by an established expert in this area.

Sorry you missed this event?  Not a problem. 

  • You can still access the full recording - and receive handouts with more information on the topics discussed, and questions asked.   

Find out more HERE

And for more information on how Food Affects Behaviour - see other FAB events HERE

FAB Webinar - Resolving the Attention Deficit Disaster

View the webinar here
Learn how nutritional and dietary changes can help many children (and adults) with 'ADHD-type difficulties' from this FAB webinar, in which Dr Alex Richardson explains:

  • What ‘ADHD’ actually means, and how to recognise overlaps with other developmental conditions like dyslexia, dyspraxia or the autism spectrum
  • Why most modern diets are NOT good for brain health and wellbeing, and can worsen ‘ADHD-type symptoms’
  • How some simple diet and lifestyle changes can improve ‘core’ ADHD symptoms of inattention, hyperactivity and impulsivity, as shown in clinical treatment trials
  • Other evidence-based tips for reducing stress, anxiety and ‘meltdowns’ – and improving mood and sleep

Click here for more information and to access this webinar
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