Women who were obese and had diabetes before becoming pregnant were sixfold more likely to have children with psychiatric and neurodevelopmental disorders by age 11 years, as compared to women with normal BMIs, according to new study.
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Women who were obese and had diabetes before becoming pregnant were sixfold more likely to have children with psychiatric and neurodevelopmental disorders by age 11 years, as compared to women with normal body mass indexes (BMIs), based on results of a large, prospective, population-based, cohort study published in Pediatrics.
The risks to offspring whose mothers were obese and had pregestational diabetes mellitus (PGDM) were far greater than the risks seen when mothers had either condition alone or had gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) in the study, reported Linghua Kong of the Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, and colleagues. The study is based on data from various national registries in Finland regarding 649,043 live births during 2004-2014 and data regarding psychiatric diagnoses from the Finnish Care Registers for Health Care.
Of the children in the cohort, 7.67% had mothers who were obese and 3.66% had mothers who were severely obese based on standard World Health Organization criteria; mothers had PGDM in 0.62% of the births and GDM in 15.7% of the births.
Overall, 5.4% of the children were diagnosed with a psychiatric disorder by age 11 years.
Compared with children born to mothers of normal weight (BMI less than 25 kg/m2), those born to mothers with severe maternal obesity alone (BMI greater than 35) had higher rates of developmental disorders or speech, language, motor, and scholastic skills (hazard ratio, 1.69; 95% confidence interval 1.54-1.86); ADHD and/or conduct disorder (HR, 1.88; 95% CI, 1.58-2.23); and psychosis and mood and anxiety disorders (HR, 1.67; 95% CI, 1.31-2.13). Increased risk of psychiatric disorders were only slightly statistically significant in the offspring of women with severe obesity and GDM.
The risks were significantly elevated, however, for children born to obese women who also had PGDM. The hazard ratio for autism spectrum disorder was 6.49 (95% CI, 3.08-13.69), and the HR for ADHD and/or conduct disorder was 6.03 (95% CI, 3.23-11.24). The risks were fourfold higher for mixed disorders of emotions and conduct, disorders of social function, and tics (HR, 4.29; 95% CI, 2.14-8.60).
Limitations of the study included basing results on shorter follow-up times for those born later in the study period, grouping of offspring’s disorder diagnoses, basing the definition of PGDM on insulin prescription, and using BMI measurements taken at only one time point during pregnancy.
The researchers were supported by the National Institute for Health and Welfare: Drugs and Pregnancy project, the Swedish Research Council, the regional agreement on medical training and clinical research between Stockholm County Council and Karolinska Institutet Stockholm County Council, the China Scholarship Council, and the Swedish Brain Foundation.