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BBC News - Government proposes energy drinks ban for children

Alex Therrien, Health reporter, BBC News

energy drinks

The sale of energy drinks could be banned in England to anybody under 18, amid fears they are damaging children's health, the prime minister has said.


The UK government has opened a 12-week consultation on whether the sale of so-called 'energy drinks' to children should be officially banned - as is already the case in some other countries.

This would not only be in keeping with the governments recently-announced plans for combating childhood obesity, but also reflects public health concerns over the high rates of both tooth decay and behaviour problems in UK children and adolescents.

A recent review found that for young people, consumption of 'energy drinks' - high in both sugar and caffeine - is associated with a range of adverse outcomes and risky behaviours, including higher rates of smoking, alcohol and other substance use.

They are also linked to physical health symptoms such as headaches, stomach aches, hyperactivity and insomnia, and can increase anxiety, agitation and impulsivity - especially when consumed with alcohol or other substances. 

Good evidence suggests that restricting their availability to children and young people would have more benefits than downsides - but whether of not UK governments will act on that evidence obviously still remains to be seen.

See also:
30 August 2018 - BBC News


The government has launched a public consultation on its plans to make it illegal to sell the drinks to children.
Energy drinks contain high levels of sugar and caffeine and have been linked to obesity and other health issues.

The government is asking for views on what age the ban should apply to, but gave under 16 and under 18 as options.
Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales have the power to implement their own bans.

'Worrying links'

UK youngsters are among the highest consumers of energy drinks in Europe, research has previously suggested.
The drinks contain high levels of sugar and caffeine, often more than those of standard soft drinks.

Excessive consumption has been linked to a range of health issues in children, from obesity, tooth decay, headaches and sleep problems to stomach aches and hyperactivity.

Surveys from teachers unions have also suggested that they contribute to poor behaviour in classrooms, although claims they can alter behaviour have been contested.

The ban would apply to drinks containing 150mg of caffeine or more per litre.

Many shops already have their own voluntary bans in place for under-16s, but it is still possible for children to buy the drinks from some retailers and vending machines.

Public Health Minister Steve Brine said: "We all have a responsibility to protect children from products that are damaging to their health and education, and we know that drinks packed to the brim with caffeine, and often sugar, are becoming a common fixture of their diet.

"Our children already consume 50% more of these drinks than our European counterparts, and teachers have made worrying links between energy drinks and poor behaviour in the classroom."

Food labelling laws already state that any soft drink with more than 150mg of caffeine per litre must carry a warning about its high caffeine content and are not recommended for children or pregnant or breastfeeding women.

Prime Minister Theresa May said: "Childhood obesity is one of the greatest health challenges this country faces, and that's why we are taking significant action to reduce the amounts of sugar consumed by young people and to help families make healthier choices.

"With thousands of young people regularly consuming energy drinks, often because they are sold at cheaper prices than soft drinks, we will consult on banning the sale of energy drinks to children.

"It is vital that we do all we can to make sure children have the best start in life and I encourage everyone to put forward their views."

What is in energy drinks?

Energy drinks contain high levels of caffeine, usually about 80mg in a 250ml can.
In comparison, a 330ml can of classic Coca-Cola contains 32mg and a can of Diet Coke 42mg.

Energy drinks also contain lots of sugar as well as other ingredients including vitamins and minerals or herbal substances.
Some smaller "energy shot" products can contain as much as 160mg of caffeine in a 60ml bottle.
Drink Amount of caffeine/sugar
Red Bull (250ml can) 80mg/27g
Monster (500ml can) 160mg/55g
Coca-Cola (330ml can) 32mg/35g

How much caffeine is too much?

High levels of caffeine can lead to anxiety, panic attacks and increased blood pressure

Pregnant and breast-feeding women are advised not to have more than 200mg of caffeine over the course of a day
European advice says that most other adults are safe to drink up to 400mg a day
Source: NHS Choices

What are the health harms of too much sugar?

Too much sugar in our diets is linked to a range of health problems including:
Tooth decay
Type 2 diabetes

Duncan Selbie, chief executive of Public Health England, said: "Children do not need energy drinks to get through the day - they offer nothing more than unnecessary sugar.

"Restricting the sale of these drinks is another bold step needed to turn the tide on childhood obesity."

Prof Russell Viner, president of the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health, said: "There is no evidence that energy drinks have any nutritional value or place in the diet of children and young people.

"It's therefore worrying that so many young people are buying these drinks at low prices and consuming them on a regular basis."
The British Soft Drinks Association has previously said that energy drinks had been "deemed safe" by regulators but that they were not marketed or promoted to under-16s.

It said it had introduced a voluntary code of practice in 2010, which included policies on the appropriate labelling and marketing of energy drinks toward young people.

The public consultation follows the June 2018 publication of the latest chapter of the government's Childhood Obesity Plan, which commits to halve childhood obesity by 2030.  
It will last for 12 weeks.