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Infant gut flora
Autism and ADHD are linked to disturbed gut flora very early in life
Probiotic may help treat colic in infants
23 August 2019 - MedicalXpress - Probiotic helps breast-fed babies beat antibiotic-resistant germs, study says
27 June 2019 - MedicalXpress - Goat milk formula could benefit infant gut health: study
12 April 2019 - Psychology Today - In the first thousand days, proper brain growth depends on a healthy microbiota
14 January 2019 - MedicalXpress - Intestinal bacteria from healthy infants prevent food allergy
How bacteria and breastmilk could be our best allies against allergy and asthma
3 August 2017 - Nutraingredients - The case of the vanishing microbiota: Gut bugs powerless to halt disease rampage
8 March 2017 - Futurity - Gut bacteria of preemies raise concerns about antibiotics
03 October 2014 - The Conversation - Babies' gut bacteria are mostly fixed by time spent in the womb
Research-backed Nutrients for Kids?
28 July 2014 - MedicalXpress - Breast milk reveals clues for health