Food and Behaviour Research

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Junk food and children - news

Junk Food Diet Causes 12-Year-Old Boy to Go Permanently Blind
Sugar in first 1,000 days linked to poor health later
Britain’s postwar sugar craze confirms harms of sweet diets in early life
California bans six artificial dyes in foods served at public schools
'Diet' soft drinks to get you through the day? Here’s what that may mean for your health
Study suggests prenatal diet may play a role in autism
No, sugar doesn’t make your kids hyperactive - (But it can harm their mental as well as physical health....)
Too much of a food thing: A century of change in how we eat
Consistent evidence links ultra-processed food to over 30 damaging health outcomes - including mental ill-health and sleep problems
Nutritional epigenetics education reduces ultra-processed food intake in parents of children with autism and ADHD
Evidence shows risks associated with energy drinks in children
Diet in childhood linked to blood vessel damage in teenage years
Why Your Brain Hates Junk Food
The Number-One Worst Food for Your Brain
Young children drinking daily caffeinated soda found more likely to try alcohol within a year
Time to inform the public about the adverse effects of ultra-processed foods, researchers say
This Is Your Brain on Junk Food
International team of scientists says identifying some foods as addictive could shift attitudes, stimulate research
Breastfeeding is associated with lower levels of body fat at the age of nine
FAB WEBINAR - Feeding Better Mood, Behaviour, Learning and Sleep - Evidence and Best Practice
A quarter of people are undoing the benefits of healthy meals by unhealthy snacking, research finds
Replacing saturated fat and salt with herbs/spices is both tasty and healthy
FAB WEBINAR - Feeding Humanity: The Key Role of Nutrition in the Mental Health Crisis
9 signs you have inflammation in your body. Could an anti-inflammatory diet help?
Fructose intake is a driver of obesity, just like in hibernating animals, study finds
Professor warns of micronutrient deficiency risks in sustainable diets
Health organisations call on retailers to commit to restrictions on multibuy promotions
SAY YES to School Food For All
Dietary Interventions for ADHD: Emerging Research and Considerations
Can we train our taste buds for health? A neuroscientist explains how genes and diet shape taste
Government announces further delay to introduction of junk food BOGOFs
Ultra-processed foods: bread may be considered one, but that doesn’t mean it’s all bad
That salad isn’t just good for your nutrition–it may help stave off depression
Critical Brain Nutrients: Evidence that Current Dietary Advice Harms Mental Health – and Potential Solutions
Chemical found in common sweetener damages DNA
A student's poor eating habits can lead to a lifetime of illness, says researcher
WHO: Artificial sweeteners have no weight-loss benefit, may raise health risks
Higher rates of autism and ADHD in American children may reflect poor diet and toxic exposures
Is there an association between the consumption of ultra-processed food and adverse microbiota-gut-brain axis implications?
FAB WEBINAR - How Food Affects Your Brain: The Role of Nutrition and Diet in the Mental Health Crisis
Five ways to please picky eaters
Improved health during pregnancy - for mothers and their babies - linked with taxing sugary drinks
Sweets change our brain: Why we can't keep our hands off chocolate
Small changes in children's sleep lead to significant changes in eating habits, shows study
Seaweed, sardines and sauerkraut: the best diet for your brain at every stage of life
More evidence that sugary drinks cause weight gain
New year health kick losing momentum? Scientists find key to curb the cravings
Quick and easy ready meals not the best for us—or the planet
Bad diets are not just for Christmas – they’re for life
Delays to UK food advertising regulations condemned as unjustified, disastrous attack on health