22 May 2017 - BBC.com - How food can improve your mental health
New WHO study on health and well-being of Europe’s youth reveals that obesity continues to rise
7 March 2017 - MedicalXpress - The deadly impact of a poor diet: study
22 February 2017 - British Medical Journal - Time for the UK to commit to tackling child obesity
21 February 2017 - MedicalXpress - UK government plan to prevent child obesity is 'severely limited,' argue experts
21 February 2017 - DailyMail - Why IS chocolate so impossible to resist? TV doctor reveals the reasons why certain foods can make you addicted
20 February 2017 - Eurekalert - Only one-third of parents think they are doing a good job helping kids eat healthy
10 January 2017 - MedicalXpress - Consumption of low-calorie sweeteners jumps by 200 percent in US children
Is sugar the world's most popular drug?
4 January 2017 - The Guardian - Sugar is the ‘alcohol of the child’, yet we let it dominate the breakfast table
20 December 2016 - The Conversation - Christmas stuffing: here's what happens to your body when you overeat
22 December 2016 - The Conversation - How reliable is the Eatwell Guide, the official chart of what foods you should be eating?
1 December 2016 - BBC - 'Diet is global food policy's elephant in the room'
Aspartame may prevent, not promote, weight loss by blocking intestinal enzyme's activity
10 October 2016 - Medicalxpress - Fast-food calorie labeling unlikely to encourage healthy eating
29 September 2016 - UK Government Policy Paper - Childhood obesity plan: PHE's role in implementation
Unhealthy diet during pregnancy could be linked to ADHD
16 June 2016 - Food Navigator - 'The resources to tackle obesity are there. It's just the will that's lacking': Expert
New Study Finds 43% of Products Marketed to Kids are Artificially Dyed With Links to Behavioral Problems Causing Concern
14 June 2016 - BBC News - Obesity boom 'fuelling rise in malnutrition'
Artificial sweeteners cut calories but may affect glucose control in obese: Study
How Nutrition in The Workplace Affects the Bottom Line
Robert Lustig: the man who believes sugar is poison
Trans Fat May Impair Memory
16 June 2015 - BBC News - US orders ban on 'unsafe' trans-fats
27 May 2015 - Eurekalert - 'Do' is better than 'don't' when it comes to eating better
21 May 2015 - ScienceDaily - Obese teens' brains unusually susceptible to food commercials, study finds
20 May 2015 - The Conversation - How eating different brands of the same food could be encouraging you to eat more
11 May 2015 - BBC Radio 4 - Gut microbes important for dietary health
Can food improve your exam performance?
Stressed Out Kids More Likely To Overeat; How Parents Train Their Kids In Emotional Eating
30 April 2015 - ScienceDaily - Substantial benefits for health, environment through realistic changes to UK diets
28 April 2015 - BBC News - 'Two phases' of childhood obesity suggested
08 April 2015 - MNT - Critical windows to turn away junk food craving
07 April 2015 - MedicalXpress - Are current dietary guidelines for sodium and potassium reasonable?
29 March 2015 - Sydney Morning Herald - Jamie Oliver whips up support for junk food tax and right recipe for education
23 March 2015 - BBC Newsround - Half of kids don't eat veg each day
19 March 2015 - BBC ONE - The Truth About Sugar
19 March 2015 - Nutraingredients - Nutrient profiling key to public health policies
Energy drinks raise resting blood pressure
'Sugar papers' reveal industry role in 1970s dental program
28 February 2015 - EurekAlert - Psychology of food choice: Challenging the status quo
26 February 2015 - Foodnavigator - UK sugar industry sales drop by 14%
Widely used food additive promotes colitis, obesity and metabolic syndrome, research shows
24 February 2015 - EurekAlert - Too many food choices exacerbate the battle against obesity, researchers find
24 February 2015 - The Conversation - Here’s a better alternative to food banks – subsidised national kitchens
Want pizza, chocolate, French fries? Highly processed foods linked to addictive eating
20 February 2015 - Foodnavigator - WHO unveils nutrient profiling to restrict marketing to kids
19 February 2015 - NewsWise - Diet Quality Declines Worldwide, but with Major Differences Across Countries
18 February 2015 - ScienceDaily - Obesity series exposes 'unacceptably slow' progress in tackling soaring global obesity rates over last decade