Food and Behaviour Research

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Adult Mental Health: The Role of Nutrition - WATCH HERE


Children and Antisocial Behaviour

Dietary Supplement Shown to Reduce Aggression by Up to 28%
The effects of binge drinking on teenagers’ brain development
Folic acid may mitigate link between lead exposure during pregnancy and autistic behaviors in children
California bans six artificial dyes in foods served at public schools
Research suggests obesity in moms doubles the risk of autism in babies
Study reveals link between microbiome and aggression in mice
Eating fish, not omega-3 supplements during pregnancy associated with lower likelihood of autism diagnosis
Study suggests prenatal diet may play a role in autism
The case for omega-3 supplementation to lower aggression
No, sugar doesn’t make your kids hyperactive - (But it can harm their mental as well as physical health....)
Omega-3 Supplements Could Benefit Children’s Brain Development
Fluoride exposure during pregnancy linked to increased risk of childhood neurobehavioral problems, study finds
Autism and ADHD are linked to disturbed gut flora very early in life
Nutritional epigenetics education reduces ultra-processed food intake in parents of children with autism and ADHD
Clues to autism's causes may lie in the gut
Evidence shows risks associated with energy drinks in children
Early childhood fish consumption may protect against neurodevelopmental delays
Follow-up study finds supplementing preterm infants with DHA has no effect on behavioural development
Young children drinking daily caffeinated soda found more likely to try alcohol within a year
Can Gut Microbes Cause Aggression?
Children with ADHD frequently use health care service before diagnosis, study finds
FAB WEBINAR - Feeding Humanity: The Key Role of Nutrition in the Mental Health Crisis
9 signs you have inflammation in your body. Could an anti-inflammatory diet help?
Low fibre intake during pregnancy may delay development in infants' brains
Australia's health care system must change to address 'rising tide' of youth mental ill health, say psychiatrists
The Three Channels of Gut-Brain Communication
Dietary Interventions for ADHD: Emerging Research and Considerations
That salad isn’t just good for your nutrition–it may help stave off depression
Critical Brain Nutrients: Evidence that Current Dietary Advice Harms Mental Health – and Potential Solutions
Higher rates of autism and ADHD in American children may reflect poor diet and toxic exposures
Is there an association between the consumption of ultra-processed food and adverse microbiota-gut-brain axis implications?
FAB WEBINAR - How Food Affects Your Brain: The Role of Nutrition and Diet in the Mental Health Crisis
Seaweed, sardines and sauerkraut: the best diet for your brain at every stage of life
How diet affects a child's mental health
Surge in nitrous oxide abuse: New guidelines to help clinicians recognize cases and prevent spinal cord damage from resulting Vitamin B12 deficiency
9 Things That Your Food Might Say About Your Personality
Netflix psychiatrist Phil Stutz says 85% of early therapy gains are down to lifestyle changes. Is he right?
Webinar - Smarter Food, Smarter Kids - Resolving the Attention Deficit Disaster
Pine Bark extract may help manage ADHD for children: Study
Omega-3 Fatty Acids, and in Particular DHA, Are Associated With Increased Attention Scores in Adolescents
Nutritional Treatments: The Next Frontier in Psychiatry
Pregnant women with obesity and diabetes may be more likely to have a child with ADHD
Origins of Health - How Important Is Iron for the Developing Brain?
Diet plays key role in ADHD symptoms in children
Vitamins, minerals improve symptoms for children with ADHD
Gastrointestinal issues linked with anxiety, social withdrawal for kids with autism
The Relationship Between Unhealthy Eating and ADHD in Children
Survey Results: Nutraceuticals More Beneficial Than Pharmaceuticals for Autism
'Few-foods' diet could be recipe for easing ADHD symptoms
Junk food and the brain: How modern diets lacking in micronutrients may contribute to angry rhetoric
Diet changes brain activity in children with ADHD
FREE Podcast - Dr Alex Richardson - Omega 3 fatty acids and their VITAL role in good health (Part 1)
Gut microbiota differences seen in people with autism may be due to dietary preferences
What is the short-term impact of sugary drinks in the classroom?
Higher maternal prenatal BMI may harm child cognition
Sugar: why some people experience side-effects when they quit
Distinctive gut microbiome unrelated to diet may characterize children with autism
Study links child behaviour problems to prenatal tobacco smoke and traffic density - and diet
Brain changed by caffeine in utero, study finds
Enriched infant formula linked to fewer behavioral problems in toddlers: Study
High fructose intake may drive aggressive behaviors, ADHD and bipolar disorder
Autism triggers nonverbal manifestation of GI symptoms in children
Frequent Soft Drink Consumption May Make Adolescents More Aggressive
Medicinal cannabis may reduce behavioral problems in kids with intellectual disabilities
'Laughing gas' depletes Vitamin B12 and can cause irreversible brain damage
Alcohol consumption by fathers before conception could negatively impact child development (and choline supplementation in pregnancy reduces similar brain damage from maternal alcohol consumption)
BBC - How a vegan diet could affect your intelligence
23 January 2020 - Nutraingredients - What your child’s gut health says about their behavior
An Autoimmune Reaction to Gluten May Cause Childhood Anxiety
Study links low vitamin D levels in young kids to aggression in adolescents
Low levels of vitamin D in elementary school could spell trouble in adolescence
Expectant mothers can mitigate the impact of marijuana on baby's brain development - with more choline
No safe amount of alcohol during pregnancy, suggest researchers
11 February 2019 - Nutraingredients - Norway’s food authorities warn of caffeine-containing energy drinks’ effect on kids
Babies of overweight mothers may risk developing self-regulation problems
Crime and nourishment – the link between food and offending behaviour
Ban on sale of energy drinks to children
BBC News - Government proposes energy drinks ban for children
Omega-3s help keep kids out of trouble, study says
19 June 2018 - MedicalXpress - Binge drinking during youth may impact future offspring
‘Elegant research’: Omega-3 supplements for children may reduce aggressive behavior in their parents too
10 May 2018 - Science Daily - Prenatal marijuana use can affect infant size, behavior, study finds
Pregnancy diet and offspring "hyperactivity-inattention symptoms"?
Lack of iron and B12 tied to aggression in boys
13 July 2017 - Science Daily - Maternal obesity during pregnancy may be linked to behavioral problems in boys
Micronutrients for ADHD Symptoms in Children
Unhealthy diet during pregnancy could lead to ADHD in children, researchers find
3 Jan 2017 - Psych Central - Parents’ Obesity May Slow Child Development
Unhealthy diet during pregnancy could be linked to ADHD
Omega-3 (with vitamins + minerals) lowers childhood aggression in short term
11 May 2016 - Nutraingredients - Good nutrition has large say in kids' social behaviour, research suggests
08 May 2016 - Medical Xpress - Research points to omega-3 as a nutritional intervention for childhood behavioral problems
Parents and teachers unaware of mental benefits of good childhood nutrition
Why Most People Fail to 'Get the Fats Right' - and How You can do Better!
Supplements may improve teenage behaviour in school: Oxford researchers
01 April 2015 - ScienceDaily - Dangers of adolescent energy drink consumption for the heart: Cardiologists urge physicians, parents, educators to monitor adolescents' energy drink consumption more closely
28 March 2015 - BBC News - More pupils have mental health issues, say school staff
25 March 2015 - MedicalXpress - Children and energy drinks comprise a growing public health crisis
Omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin D may control brain serotonin
Energy drinks significantly increase hyperactivity in schoolchildren, study finds
03 February 2015 - EurekAlert - Socioeconomic differences in adolescent health getting wider
15 January 2015 - MedicalXpress - Difficult behavior in young children may point to later problems
07 January 2015 - The Conversation- All secondary schools could do with a head of well-being
08 October 2014 - The Lancet - Mental Health Interventions in Schools
08 October 2014 - MNT - Eating disorders could start as early as elementary school
Foetal exposure to binge drinking can affect child's mental health and school results
Omega-3 reduces anti-social behaviour in kids: Long term study
02 August 2014 - Conference notes - FAB Research conference: Sugar, fat, food and addiction: New approaches to the public health crisis
27 June 2014 - ScienceDaily - Early life stress can leave lasting impacts on the brain
10 June 2014 - MedicalXpress - Lead abatement a wise economic, public health investment
New findings on the importance of Omega-3 for Child Behaviour and Learning
Mental disorders affect more than a third of Europeans
How metals in food impact children's behaviour
Don't ignore omega-3 for mood and behaviour, say UK experts
UK Associate Parliamentary Food and Health Forum Report on the links between diet, mental health and behaviour
New fears over additives in children's food
It's business, and it's fishy
06 Sep 2006 - Channel 4 - Fish oil for students
Brain food: Why the Government wants your child to take Omega-3, the fish oil supplement
New reports link mental ill-health to changing diets
1st January 2006 - Sustain - Changing Diets, Changing Minds - how food affects mental health and behaviour
The Guardian - Why it's time we faced fats
What not to feed your child
Times Educational Supplement - Feed Your Head
BBC Website - Are we emotionally what we eat?
BBC Website - 'Ban artificial food colourings'
A Rotten Way to Feed the Children