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Pregnancy and Obesity - Research

Gracner T et al 2024 - Exposure to sugar rationing in the first 1000 days of life protected against chronic disease
Maternal pre-pregnancy body mass index and risk of preterm birth: a collaboration using large routine health datasets
Shrivastava K et al 2023 - Maternal overnutrition is associated with altered synaptic input to lateral hypothalamic area
Ockene M et al 2023 - Accelerated Longitudinal Weight Gain Among Infants With In Utero COVID-19 Exposure
Jackson K et al 2023 - Sugar-sweetened beverage taxes and perinatal health: A quasi-experimental study
Wu Y et al 2023 - The Role of Maternal Vitamin D Deficiency in Offspring Obesity: A Narrative Review
Gertler & Gracner 2022 - The Sweet Life: The Long-Term Effects of a Sugar-Rich Early Childhood
Wang Y et al 2022 - Maternal consumption of ultra-processed foods and subsequent risk of offspring overweight or obesity: results from three prospective cohort studies
Contreras-Rodriguez et al 2022 - Dissecting ultra-processed foods and drinks: Do they have a potential to impact the brain?
Wang et al 2022 - A Metagenomics Investigation of Intergenerational Effects of Non-nutritive Sweeteners on Gut Microbiome
Marshall N et al 2021 - The importance of nutrition in pregnancy and lactation: lifelong consequences
Oken E et al 2021 - Analysis of Maternal Prenatal Weight and Offspring Cognition and Behavior: Results From the Promotion of Breastfeeding Intervention Trial (PROBIT) Cohort
Hagström et al 2021 - Maternal obesity increases the risk and severity of NAFLD in offspring
Roswall J et al 2021 - Developmental trajectory of the healthy human gut microbiota during the first 5 years of life
Antoun E et al 2020 - Maternal dysglycaemia, changes in the infant's epigenome modified with a diet and physical activity intervention in pregnancy
Voltas N et al 2020 - Effect of Vitamin D Status during Pregnancy on Infant Neurodevelopment
Sakayori N et al 2020 - Maternal dietary imbalance between omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids triggers the offspring’s overeating in mice
Robinson et al. 2020 - Parental Weight Status and Offspring Behavioral Problems and Psychiatric Symptoms
Nettleton et al 2020 - Maternal low-dose aspartame and stevia consumption with an obesogenic diet alters metabolism, gut microbiota and mesolimbic reward system in rat dams and their offspring
Nichols et al 2020 - Prepregnancy obesity is associated with lower psychomotor development scores in boys at age 3 in a low-income, minority birth cohort
Widen et al 2019 - Prepregnancy obesity is associated with cognitive outcomes in boys in a low-income, multiethnic birth cohort
Girchenko et al. 2020 - Persistently High Levels of Maternal Antenatal Inflammation Are Associated With and Mediate the Effect of Prenatal Environmental Adversities on Neurodevelopmental Delay in the Offspring
Samavat et al 2019 - Vitamin B12 Deficiency Leads To Fatty Acid Metabolism Dysregulation and Increased pro-inflammatory cytokine production in Human Adipocytes and in Maternal Subcutaneous and Omental Adipose Tissue
Wang et al 2019 - Association Between Maternal Exposure to Lead, Maternal Folate Status, and Intergenerational Risk of Childhood Overweight and Obesity
Gustafsson et al 2019 - Increased Maternal Prenatal Adiposity, Inflammation, and Lower Omega-3 Fatty Acid Levels Influence Child Negative Affect
Li et al 2019 - Early postnatal overnutrition accelerates aging-associated epigenetic drift in pancreatic islets
Isganaitis et al 2019 - Maternal obesity and the human milk metabolome: associations with infant body composition and postnatal weight gain
Kerling et al 2019 - Effect of Prenatal Docosahexaenoic Acid Supplementation on Blood Pressure in Children With Overweight Condition or Obesity
Patro Golab 2018 - Influence of maternal obesity on the association between common pregnancy complications and risk of childhood obesity
Girchenko et al 2018 - Neonatal regulatory behavior problems are predicted by maternal early pregnancy overweight and obesity
Sarker et al 2018 - Transgenerational transmission of hedonic behaviors and metabolic phenotypes induced by maternal overnutrition
Tam et al 2018 - The impact of maternal gestational weight gain on cardiometabolic risk factors in children
Normia et al 2018 - Perinatal nutrition impacts on the functional development of the visual tract in infants
Torres-Espínola et al 2018 - Visual evoked potentials in offspring born to mothers with overweight, obesity and gestational diabetes
Kong et al 2018 - The Risk of Offspring Psychiatric Disorders in the Setting of Maternal Obesity and Diabetes
Li 2018 - Epigenetic Mechanisms Link Maternal Diets and Gut Microbiome to Obesity in the Offspring
Kong et al 2018 - The Risk of Offspring Psychiatric Disorders in the Setting of Maternal Obesity and Diabetes
Dhana et al 2018 - Association between maternal adherence to healthy lifestyle practices and risk of obesity in offspring
Xiang et al 2018 - Maternal Type 1 Diabetes and Risk of Autism in Offspring
Micali et al 2018 - Pregnancy loss of control over eating: a longitudinal study of maternal and child outcomes
Robertson et al 2018 - Maternal omega-3 fatty acids regulate offspring obesity through persistent modulation of gut microbiota
Barker et al 2018 - Intervention strategies to improve nutrition and health behaviours before conception
Stephenson et al 2018 - Before the beginning: nutrition and lifestyle in the preconception period and its importance for future health
Daraki et al 2018 - Low maternal vitamin D status in pregnancy increases the risk of childhood obesity
Hidaka et al 2018 - Intrauterine DHA exposure and child body composition at 5 y: exploratory analysis of a randomized controlled trial of prenatal DHA supplementation
Vähämiko et al 2018 - The impact of probiotic supplementation during pregnancy on DNA methylation of obesity-related genes in mothers and their children
Ji et al 2017 - A Prospective Birth Cohort Study on Maternal Cholesterol Levels and Offspring Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
Lorite Mingot et al 2017 - Epigenetic effects of the pregnancy Mediterranean diet adherence on the offspring metabolic syndrome markers
Sanchez et al 2017 - Maternal Pre-Pregnancy Obesity and Child Neurodevelopmental Outcomes: A Meta-Analysis
Broskey et al 2017 - Early Pregnancy Weight Gain Exerts the Strongest Effect on Birth Weight, Posing a Critical Time to Prevent Childhood Obesity