Food and Behaviour Research

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FAB WEBINAR - Feeding Better Mood, Behaviour, Learning and Sleep - Evidence and Best Practice

FAB Webinar: Feeding Better Mood, Behaviour, Learning and Sleep

David Rex, RD, and Dr Alex Richardson discuss the latest evidence-based research into how children's diets affect their health, wellbeing and performance - and what parents, professionals and policymakers can do to help


Almost every day, we hear that behaviour, learning or mental health problems in children and adolescents are at record levels - and that our education and health services are overwhelmed trying to meet the needs of those affected.

In addition to developmental conditions like ADHD, the autism spectrum, dyslexia and dyspraxia / DCD, many more children - and their families and teachers - are struggling to deal with everyday difficulties, or serious issues, with mood and anxiety, behaviour, learning - and sleep.

Mental and physical health go together - but although children's diets are recognised as contributing to conditions like obesity, diabetes and other physical health problems, little or no attention is usually paid to the effects of nutrition - what children eat and drink - and how they feel, think and behave. 

Find out from two of the UK's leading experts in this area:

  • what the latest scientific evidence shows about the links between children's food and their mental health, wellbeing and performance
  • what works (and what doesn't) when it comes to practical ways in which parents, teachers and other professionals, and policymakers can help to improve children's ability to make healthier food choices.


A recording of this live event will be available afterwards to all who book (and to subscribing FAB Associates)

- along with access to slide handouts and other supplemental materials aimed at providing a better understanding of the importance of good nutrition for brain development and function

So if you can't join us for the Live Event, you can still access this Webinar HERE.

Learn what the latest evidence shows about:

  • The importance of good nutrition for brain development and function - and the key brain nutrients most likely to be lacking from the diets of children and adults in the UK, US and other developed countries today
  • How children's food choices affect their mental, as well as their physical, health and wellbeing - and vice versa. 
  • The links between diet and common developmental conditions such as ADHD, Dyslexia, Dyspraxia and the Autism spectrum, as well as Anxiety, Depression and related conditions - including a summary of relevant findings from clinical trials 
  • How specific dietary changes can affect sleep - and vice versa - and how this may relate to mood, behaviour and learning difficulties in many children  
  • Why children and young people eat the way they do; and which factors parents, teachers and other professionals can most effectively influence
  • Which strategies and tactics work best to improve children's food preferences and choices - and which ones are likely to be counter-productive.
  • What kind of improvements can be achieved in practice, and how children can be motivated and empowered to make better judgements for themselves about how food affects the way they feel, think and behave.

And get your own Questions answered in an extended Q&A session with David Rex RD and Dr Alex Richardson