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A Mediterranean diet can ease symptoms of stress and anxiety, says study

by University of South Australia

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"It's a big tick for the Mediterranean diet—through a relatively easy lifestyle change, people can markedly improve their stress and anxiety levels—who wouldn't want to give it a go."


This was a purely observational study - so the findings can NOT tell us anything about cause and effect.  The news headline here is therefore rather misleading in suggesting otherwise (as are some of the comments reported in the news article below as being made by the researchers themselves). 

In almost 300 older Australian adults (60+ years), significant correlations were found between eating a higher-quality diet and reporting better mental wellbeing. 

Specifically, closer adherence to a Mediterranean-type dietary pattern predicted lower scroes on measures of stress and anxiety, but not depressive symptoms.

Previous studies have also found significant links between nutritionally poor diets and depressive symptoms, as well as with higher reported stress and anxiety.

More importantly, there is also evidence from some randomised controlled clinical trials - which can show cause-and-effect - that interventions to improve dietary quality can actually reduce depressive symptoms and improve mental wellbeing. See:

For more details of this research, see:

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See also:

15/05/24 - Medical Xpress


It's no secret that the Mediterranean diet is good for your health. Already recommended to reduce the risks of bowel cancer, heart disease, and dementia, new research from the University of South Australia published in the journal Nutrients shows that the Mediterranean diet can also reduce symptoms of stress and anxiety.
Conducted in partnership with the University of the Sunshine Coast, researchers assessed the impact of a Mediterranean diet on mental health among 294 older Australians (aged 60+) finding that it reduced the severity of anxiety and stress, independent of age, gender, sleep, and BMI.
Additionally, they identified that specific elements of the diet—fruit, nuts, legumes, and a low consumption of sugar-sweetened drinks (less than 250 mL per day)—reduced the severity of anxiety and stress.
Globally, anxiety is the most common mental health disorder affecting more than 301 million people. In Australia, 1 in 4 people will experience anxiety during their lifetime.
Leading dietitian and UniSA researcher Dr. Evangeline Mantzioris says that the Mediterranean diet can play a significant role in improving mental health and quality of life.
"Globally, we're facing an unprecedented aging population, yet despite this longevity, many people continue to struggle with their health and well-being," Dr. Mantzioris says.
"Lifestyle behaviors, including diet quality, are gaining more attention as modifiable risk factors for poor mental health, with the Mediterranean diet endorsed for reducing chronic disease risk and supporting healthy aging.
"In this study we showed that when older people adhered to a Mediterranean diet, their symptoms of stress and anxiety declined—and that this occurred regardless of their age, gender, BMI or how much sleep and exercise they were getting.
"It's a big tick for the Mediterranean diet—through a relatively easy lifestyle change, people can markedly improve their stress and anxiety levels—who wouldn't want to give it a go."
A Mediterranean diet includes plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables, wholegrains and seeds, nuts, legumes, and olive oil. Fish and seafood should be incorporated at least twice a week, while dairy and lean proteins can be eaten daily in smaller portions. The diet encourages infrequent consumption of red meats and processed foods.