Food and Behaviour Research

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The Food Programme - The Brain Gut Connection

Sheila Dillon

The discussion focusses on the known connections between food and mental health, from childhood through to old age.


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BBC Radio 4 - The Food Programme: "The Brain Gut Connection"

Why does food do our heads in? This episode is a panel recording from 2024 Abergavenny Food Festival with a live audience.

Sheila Dillon is joined by Chef Heston Blumenthal, who recently went public about his diagnosis of bi-polar, and having ADHD (Attention Deficit hyperactivity disorder); chartered psychologist Kimberley Wilson, the author of "Unprocessed: How the Food We Eat is Fuelling Our Mental Health Crisis"; Natalie Hackett the Headteacher of New Lubbesthorpe Primary School in Leicestershire who was crowned School Leader Food Hero of 2024, at the Jamie Oliver School Food Awards; and Dr Ally Jaffee, co-founder of Nutritank, an organisation set up to make sure that future doctors learned that food, along with exercise, is central to health. Dr Jaffee is now a resident doctor specialising in psychiatry.

The discussion focussed on the known connections between food and mental health, from childhood through to old age.

Presented by Sheila Dillon
Produced for BBC Audio in Bristol by Natalie Donovan