Food and Behaviour Research

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Vitamin D - Research

Moore et al 2018 - Diet, nutrition and the ageing brain: current evidence and new directions
Pludowski et al 2018 - Vitamin D supplementation guidelines.
Wu et al 2017 - Relationship Between Neonatal Vitamin D at Birth and Risk of Autism Spectrum Disorders
Smith et al 2017 - Vitamin D in adolescence: evidence-based dietary requirements and implications for public health policy.
Firth et al 2017 - Nutritional Deficiencies and Clinical Correlates in First-Episode Psychosis
Conzade et al 2017 - Prevalence and Predictors of Subclinical Micronutrient Deficiency in German Older Adults
Beasley and Weatherall 2017 - Vitamin D and asthma: a case to answer
Golding et al 2017 - Maternal prenatal blood mercury is not adversely associated with offspring IQ at 8 years provided the mother eats fish: A British prebirth cohort study
Smith et al 2017 - Vitamin D in adolescents: Are current recommendations enough?
Sacheck et al 2017 - Impact of Three Doses of Vitamin D3 on Serum 25(OH)D Deficiency and Insufficiency in At-Risk Schoolchildren
Laird et al 2017 - The prevalence of vitamin D deficiency and the determinants of 25(OH)D concentration in older Irish adults
Lucas et al 2017 - Clinical, Research, and Public Health Implications of Poor Measurement of Vitamin D Status
Blighe et al 2017 - Vitamin D prenatal programming of childhood metabolomics profiles at age 3 y
Blumberg et al 2017 - Impact of Frequency of Multi-Vitamin/Multi-Mineral Supplement Intake on Nutritional Adequacy and Nutrient Deficiencies in U.S. Adults
Esnafoğlu and Yaman 2017 - Vitamin B12, folic acid, homocysteine and vitamin D levels in children and adolescents with obsessive compulsive disorder
McDonnell et al 2017 - Maternal 25(OH)D concentrations ≥40 ng/mL associated with 60% lower preterm birth risk among general obstetrical patients
Darling et al 2017 - Association between maternal vitamin D status in pregnancy and neurodevelopmental outcomes in childhood
Tripkovic et al 2017 - Daily supplementation with 15 μg vitamin D2 compared with vitamin D3 to increase wintertime 25-hydroxyvitamin D status in healthy South Asian and white European women
Abe et al 2017 - Medium-Chain Triglycerides in Combination with Leucine and Vitamin D Benefit Cognition in Frail Elderly Adults
Sowah et al 2017 - Vitamin D levels and deficiency with different occupations: a systematic review
Jones and Probst 2017 - Role of dietary modification in alleviating chronic fatigue syndrome symptoms
Archontogeorgis et al 2017 - Vitamin D levels in middle-aged patients with obstructive sleep apnoea syndrome
Hornsby et al 2017 - Vitamin D supplementation during pregnancy: Effect on the neonatal immune system in a randomized controlled trial
de Oliveira et al 2017 - The interfaces between vitamin D, sleep and pain
Majid et al 2017 - The effect of vitamin D supplement on the score and quality of sleep in 20-50 year-old people with sleep disorders compared with control group
Pfotenhauer and Shubrook 2017 - Vitamin D Deficiency, Its Role in Health and Disease, and Current Supplementation Recommendations
Alharbi and El-Sohemy 2017 - Lactose Intolerance (LCT-13910C>T) Genotype Is Associated with Plasma 25-Hydroxyvitamin D Concentrations in Caucasians
Pettersen 2017 - Does high dose vitamin D supplementation enhance cognition?: A randomized trial in healthy adults
Kočovská et al 2017 - Vitamin-D Deficiency As a Potential Environmental Risk Factor in Multiple Sclerosis, Schizophrenia, and Autism
Vuillermot et al 2017 - Vitamin D treatment during pregnancy prevents autism-related phenotypes in a mouse model of maternal immune activation
Sarris 2017 - Clinical use of nutraceuticals in the adjunctive treatment of depression in mood disorders.
Cornish et al 2017 - Consumption of seaweeds and the human brain
Martínez Steele et al 2018 - The share of ultra-processed foods and the overall nutritional quality of diets in the US: evidence from a nationally representative cross-sectional study
Basatemur et al 2017 - Trends in the Diagnosis of Vitamin D Deficiency
Narula et al 2017 - Impact of High-Dose Vitamin D3 Supplementation in Patients with Crohn's Disease in Remission
Puja et al 2017 - Maternal Preferences for Vitamin D Supplementation in Breastfed Infants
Vinkhuyzen et al 2016 - Gestational vitamin D deficiency and autism-related traits: the Generation R Study.
Hollams et al 2016 - Vitamin D over the first decade and susceptibility to childhood allergy and asthma.
Boerman et al 2016 - Prevalence of Vitamin D Deficiency in Adult Outpatients With Bipolar Disorder or Schizophrenia
Dogan Bulut et al 2016 - The Relationship between Symptom Severity and Low Vitamin D Levels in Patients with Schizophrenia
RETRACTED - Saad et al 2016 - Randomized controlled trial of vitamin D supplementation in children with autism spectrum disorder
Vinkhuyzen et al 2016 - Prevalence and predictors of vitamin D deficiency based on maternal mid-gestation and neonatal cord bloods
Su et al 2016 - Vitamin D Signaling through Induction of Paneth Cell Defensins Maintains Gut Microbiota and Improves Metabolic Disorders and Hepatic Steatosis in Animal Models.
Mackay et al 2016 - Month of Conception and Learning Disabilities
Mossin et al 2016 - Inverse associations between cord vitamin D and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder symptoms
Barringer et al 2016 - Fatty Acid Blood Levels, Vitamin D Status, Physical Performance, Activity, and Resiliency
Ashtari et al 2016 - High dose Vitamin D intake and quality of life in relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis
Wu et al 2016 - Effect of Vitamin D Supplementation on Pain: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis.
Zaalberg et al 2016 - Relationships of diet-related blood parameters and blood lead levels with psychopathology and aggression in forensic psychiatric inpatients.
Mazahery et al 2016 - Vitamin D and omega-3 fatty acid supplements in children with autism spectrum disorder: a study protocol for a factorial randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial.