Bosman et al 2019 - Skin Exposure to Narrow Band Ultraviolet (UVB) Light Modulates the Human Intestinal Microbiome
Evans et al. 2020 - Vitamin D Deficiency and Long-Term Cognitive Impairment Among Older Adult Emergency Department Patients
Burt et al 2019 - Effect of High-Dose Vitamin D Supplementation on Volumetric Bone Density and Bone Strength
Christakos et al 2019 - New developments in our understanding of vitamin D metabolism, action and treatment
Robinson et al 2019 - Vitamin D Deficiency in Middle Childhood Is Related to Behavior Problems in Adolescence
Aguiar et al 2020 - The economic case for prevention of population vitamin D deficiency: a modelling study using data from England and Wales
Sordillo et al 2019 - Prenatal oxidative balance and risk of asthma and allergic disease in adolescence
Zhang et al 2019 - Relationship between 25‐Hydroxyvitamin D, bone density, and Parkinson’s disease symptoms
Gan et al 2019 - The Effect of Vitamin D Supplementation on Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials
Bledsoe et al 2019 - Micronutrient Deficiencies Are Common in Contemporary Celiac Disease Despite Lack of Overt Malabsorption Symptoms
Bailey et al 2019 - Estimation of Total Usual Dietary Intakes of Pregnant Women in the United States
Aspell et al 2019 - The Prevalence and Determinants of Vitamin D Status in Community-Dwelling Older Adults
Bernstein et al 2019 - Fish, Shellfish, and Children’s Health: An Assessment of Benefits, Risks, and Sustainability
García-Serna and Morales 2019 - Neurodevelopmental effects of prenatal vitamin D in humans: systematic review and meta-analysis
Saul et al 2019 - 1,25-Dihydroxyvitamin D3 Restrains CD4+ T Cell Priming Ability of CD11c+ Dendritic Cells by Upregulating Expression of CD31
Castle et al 2019 - Three doses of vitamin D and cognitive outcomes in older women: a double-blind randomized controlled trial
Bot et al 2019 - Effect of Multinutrient Supplementation and Food-Related Behavioral Activation Therapy on Prevention of Major Depressive Disorder Among Overweight or Obese Adults With Subsyndromal Depressive Symptoms
Moon et al 2019 - Vitamin D supplementation: are multivitamins sufficient?
Janbek et al 2019 - Associations between vitamin D status in pregnancy and offspring neurodevelopment: a systematic literature review
Roizen et al 2019 - Obesity Decreases Hepatic 25-Hydroxylase Activity Causing Low Serum 25-Hydroxyvitamin D
Al-Amin et al 2019 - Adult vitamin D deficiency disrupts hippocampal-dependent learning and structural brain connectivity in BALB/c mice
Guo et al 2018 - Vitamin and mineral status of children with autism spectrum disorder in Hainan Province of China: associations with symptoms
Eyles et al 2018 - The association between neonatal vitamin D status and risk of schizophrenia
Mazahery et al 2018 - A randomised controlled trial of vitamin D and omega-3 long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids in the treatment of irritability and hyperactivity among children with autism spectrum disorder
Otelea and Rascu 2018 - Vitamin D Intake and Obesity in Occupational Asthma Patients and the Need for Supplementation
Kühn et al 2018 - Cocoa and chocolate are sources of vitamin D2
Dai et al 2018 - Magnesium status and supplementation influence vitamin D status and metabolism: results from a randomized trial
Dai et al 2019 - Magnesium status and supplementation influence vitamin D status and metabolism
Briggs et al 2018 - Vitamin D Deficiency Is Associated With an Increased Likelihood of Incident Depression in Community-Dwelling Older Adults
Abdul-Razzak et al 2018 - Vitamin D as potential antidepressant in outpatients with musculoskeletal pain
Borel & Desmarchelier 2018 - Bioavailability of Fat-Soluble Vitamins and Phytochemicals in Humans: Effects of Genetic Variation
Lally et al 2018 - Vitamin D and clinical symptoms in First Episode Psychosis (FEP): A prospective cohort study
Ceglie et al 2018 - Scurvy: still a threat in the well-fed first world?
Zingone & Ciacci 2018 - The value and significance of 25(OH) and 1,25(OH) vitamin D serum levels in adult coeliac patients: A review of the literature
Uday et al 2018 - Cardiac, bone and growth plate manifestations in hypocalcemic infants: revealing the hidden body of the vitamin D deficiency iceberg
Hibbs et al 2018 - Effect of Vitamin D Supplementation on Recurrent Wheezing in Black Infants Who Were Born Preterm
Garg et al 2018 - The effect of vitamin D on intestinal inflammation and faecal microbiota in patients with ulcerative colitis
Saleem et al 2018 - High-dose vitamin D3 in the treatment of severe acute malnutrition: a multicenter double-blind randomized controlled trial
Rondanelli et al 2018 - Food pyramid for subjects with chronic pain: foods and dietary constituents as anti-inflammatory and antioxidant agents
Uday and Högler 2018 - Prevention of rickets and osteomalacia in the UK: political action overdue
Gustafsson ey al 2018 - Alterations in the vitamin D endocrine system during pregnancy: A longitudinal study
Frame et al 2018 - Use of Placebo in Supplementation Studies - Vitamin D Research Illustrates an Ethical Quandary
Bora et al 2018 - The Gut Microbiota Regulates Endocrine Vitamin D Metabolism through Fibroblast Growth Factor 23
Uwitonze and Razzaque 2018 - Role of Magnesium in Vitamin D Activation and Function
Trujillo et al 2018 - A systematic review of the associations between maternal nutritional biomarkers and depression and/or anxiety during pregnancy and postpartum
Kimball et al 2018 - Database Analysis of Depression and Anxiety in a Community Sample-Response to a Micronutrient Intervention
Daraki et al 2018 - Low maternal vitamin D status in pregnancy increases the risk of childhood obesity
Dussik et al 2018 - Gene Expression Profiling and Assessment of Vitamin D and Serotonin Pathway Variations in Patients With Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Schwarzenberg and Georgieff 2018 - Advocacy for Improving Nutrition in the First 1000 Days To Support Childhood Development and Adult Health
Gil et al 2018 - Vitamin D: Classic and Novel Actions