Food and Behaviour Research
Start Date: 26 February 2015
End Date: 26 February 2015
Duration 3.5 hours
Location Bristol
Venue Double Tree Hotel
File Download:
2015 Regional Seminars Flyer (212.79 KB)
2015 Regional Programme - BRISTOL - this event has now taken place.
Food and Behaviour Research is internationally known and respected for the quality of its events and information. For many years the charity has attracted world-class speakers who can make the very latest research findings accessible to public and professional as well as academic audiences, offering them the opportunity to hear the latest scientific evidence, and to discuss its practical, real-world implications.
This latest series of early evening workshops and seminars is designed to provide a concise yet comprehensive, overview of current research into the effects of nutrition and diet on mental health, wellbeing and performance in both children and adults, emphasising the ways that this can be used to inform and improve best practice.
The programme will include updates from recent conferences organised by FAB Research and other organisations, as well as recent news. Additional information will be published through our regular e-alerts and via the many local individuals and groups who support FAB and our message.
These events form part of a rolling programme designed to meet the increasing demand for high-quality information and training in this multi-disciplinary field. Further events will therefore be scheduled in other regions in 2015 and 2016.
Feeding Better Behaviour, Learning and Mood: The Gut, Brain and Nutrition Connection - Bristol, Thursday 26 February 2015
Difficulties with mood, behaviour and learning are an ever-increasing problem in the UK and other developed countries. Conditions like ADHD, Dyslexia, Autism Spectrum Disorders and antisocial behaviour have reached record levels, as have anxiety, depression, dementia and related disorders. Children and young people appear particularly vulnerable, but increasing mental health problems are affecting all age groups. Milder forms of these conditions are also common, leaving families and health professionals struggling to cope.
The surge in conditions relating to mental health, wellbeing and performance is linked to rising rates of many physical health problems that are known to be diet-related: from obesity and diabetes, to allergies and other immune system conditions. New scientific research is showing why mental and physical health disorders often occur together; and how better nutrition can help. Key to this are the highly complex links between our guts, brains and immune systems, which are all heavily influenced by what we eat.*
This seminar presents the latest scientific evidence on how food and diet can influence mood, behaviour, and learning, and examines the potential for positive clinical and personal outcomes from nutritional interventions. Attendees will learn about practical, cost-effective strategies that can be used by both professionals and members of the public to manage and improve mental - as well as physical - health, wellbeing and performance.