Date: 17/12/2024
Researchers found that vegetarians who consumed processed plant-based meat alternatives (PBMAs) had a 42% increased risk of depression compared to vegetarians who refrained from PBMAs.
Date: 09/01/2024
"As we continue to learn more about how gut health affects health elsewhere it is important that clinicians look for and manage somatic co-morbidities in IBS patients."
Date: 25/09/2023
"We are aware of the risks of mental health conditions in autistic people, but this new research identifies their risks of physical health conditions too. We need to urgently re-evaluate current health care systems to improve support for autistic people."
Date: 22/06/2023
Leading health charities, food campaigners and medical bodies have written to the UK's major food and drink retailers urging them to implement the regulations on junk food multibuy promotions, despite a government U-turn on the policy.
Date: 05/10/2021
People who experience meal-related abdominal pain more frequently experience other gastrointestinal symptoms and more regularly fulfill criteria for disorders of the gut brain interactions, including common conditions such as IBS, bloating and abdominal distension.
Date: 03/09/2021
Omega-3s may beneficially alter the composition of the gut microbiome and lead to increases in the production of short chain fatty acids, according to a new study.
Date: 22/03/2021
Gut-brain research continues to provide extraordinary insight into the effect microbes have on our mental health, and a new Chinese study ups the ante.
Date: 11/03/2021
New research has suggested that taking icosapent ethyl is a new way to further reduce the risk of stroke in patients with atherosclerosis or who are at high risk of stroke, who have elevated triglyceride levels and are already taking statins.
Date: 13/01/2021
KU Leuven researchers have identified the biological mechanism that explains why some people experience abdominal pain when they eat certain foods. The finding paves the way for more efficient treatment of irritable bowel syndrome and other food intolerances.
Date: 02/11/2020
Children's acceptance of vegetables can be boosted purely through increasing visual familiarity, and therefore this project's aim is to build on this research, while developing a series of accessible resources to help parents introduce more vegetables to their children.
Date: 25/09/2020
Most patients with IBD habitually consume inadequate amounts of dietary fibre which may have negative effects on the gut microbiome and contribute to dysbiosis
Date: 24/08/2020
A new review has found some promise for the use of vitamin D and mineral supplementation to support fibromyalgia sufferers. There was less evidence in favor of vitamins C and E and probiotics, however.
Date: 27/01/2020
Project is the first to test green algae on symptoms related to human digestion.
Date: 04/11/2019
Proton-pump inhibitors, metformin and several other commonly used drugs markedly alter the taxonomic structure and metabolic function as well as antibiotic-resistance genes in the gut microbiome.
Date: 01/11/2019
People with depression or vulnerability to depression should be encouraged to eat plant-based diets with higher levels of grains, fibres and fish, according to new recommendations published by the MyNetGut consortium.
Date: 06/08/2019
Early life stress, such as maternal separation, may cause long-term alterations to brain neurochemistry and the gut microbiome. The potential is there to modulate these detrimental effects using interventions such as prebiotics.
Date: 18/07/2019
What does the general public know about the importance of their microbiome, where do they go for information and what do they do to improve their gut health? A healthcare company-sponsored survey set out to investigate.
Date: 21/06/2019
A Canadian study reveals the gut bacteria’s relationship with chronic pain in findings that identify changes in the gut microbiome in people with fibromyalgia.
Date: 29/04/2019
How plant-free diets affect the brain
Date: 25/04/2019
A probiotic strain of Bifidobacterium longum appears to improve the ability to respond and cope with stress as research provides more proof of the bidirectional communication between the gut and brain.