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61 to 65 of 65 News results (date descending)

3 Sept 2012 - New Scientist - Food for thought: Eat your way to dementia - sugar and carbs cause Alzheimer's Disease

Date: 03/09/2012

Sugar junkies take note: a calorific diet isn't just bad for your body, it may also trigger Alzheimer's disease

21 Aug 2012 - Obesity bad for the brain by hastening cognitive decline

Date: 21/08/2012

Being overweight is not just bad for waistlines but for brains too, say researchers who have linked obesity to declining mental performance.

27 Sept 2006 - The Guardian - Grease is the word

Date: 27/09/2006

The British public is belatedly waking up to dangers of trans fats - the cheap, chemically treated oils that lurk unlabelled in many processed foods. Alex Renton investigates the ingredient viewed with suspicion even by the junk food-loving Americans