Food and Behaviour Research

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Research Paper McNamara M et al 2021 - Early-life effects of juvenile Western diet and exercise on adult gut microbiome composition in mice
News Does vitamin D combat Covid?
News Including unhealthy foods may diminish positive effects of an otherwise healthy diet
Research Paper Agarwal P et al 2020 - Unhealthy foods may attenuate the beneficial relation of a Mediterranean diet to cognitive decline
News You know sugar is bad for your kids—here's what you can do
News This Man's Increased Psychiatric Issues Masked an Undiagnosed Disease
Research Paper Zafeiri A et al 2021 - Over-the-counter analgesics during pregnancy: a comprehensive review of prevalence and safety
Link Early Nutrition E-Academy
Research Paper Doaei et al 2021 - The effect of omega-3 fatty acids supplementation on social and behavioral disorders of children with autism: a randomized clinical trial
News New US dietary guidelines: No candy, cake for kids under 2
Research Paper Bischoff N et al 2020 - Possible Adverse Effects of Food Additive E171 (Titanium Dioxide) Related to Particle Specific Human Toxicity, Including the Immune System
News Junk food linked to sleep problems in teens
Research Paper Kerns C et al 2020 - Prevalence and Correlates of Caregiver-Reported Mental Health Conditions in Youth With Autism Spectrum Disorder in the United States
Research Paper Khan A et al 2020 - Association of carbonated soft drink and fast food intake with stress-related sleep disturbance among adolescents: A global perspective from 64 countries
Research Paper Neumann S et al 2020 - Anemia and insomnia: a cross-sectional study and meta-analysis
Research Paper Simonoff E et al 2020 - Trajectories in Symptoms of Autism and Cognitive Ability in Autism From Childhood to Adult Life: Findings From a Longitudinal Epidemiological Cohort
News Enriched infant formula linked to fewer behavioral problems in toddlers: Study
News The health risk raised by ultra-processed foods
News #VitaminDforAll (Vitamin D for everyone)
News ARFID: the eating disorder that makes people fear food