Food and Behaviour Research

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News Study suggests sugary diet endangers waste-eating protein crucial to cellular repair
News An unexpected role for the brain's immune cells......IN MICE
Research Paper Malpetti M et al 2020 - Apathy in presymptomatic genetic frontotemporal dementia predicts cognitive decline and is driven by structural brain changes
News 'Alarmingly high' vitamin D deficiency in the United Kingdom
Research Paper Nieto-Ruiz A et al 2020 - The Effects of an Infant Formula Enriched with Milk Fat Globule Membrane, Long-Chain Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids and Synbiotics on Child Behavior up to 2.5 Years Old: The COGNIS Study
Research Paper Merlini M et al 2020 - Microglial Gi-dependent dynamics regulate brain network hyperexcitability
News Apathy could predict onset of dementia years before other symptoms
News Vitamin D the clue to more Autism spectrum disorder in boys
News Different forms of sugar impact hunger-suppressing hormones in young adults
Research Paper Yunker A et al 2020 - Appetite regulating hormones are reduced after oral sucrose vs glucose
Research Paper Ali A et al 2020 - Developmental vitamin D deficiency increases foetal exposure to testosterone
News Youth depression tied to higher risk of 66 diseases and premature death
Research Paper Leone M et al 2020 - Association of Youth Depression With Subsequent Somatic Diseases and Premature Death
News Young people with autism show cognitive gains from childhood to early adult life
Research Paper Maamar M et al 2020 - Epigenome-wide association study for glyphosate induced transgenerational sperm DNA methylation and histone retention epigenetic biomarkers for disease
News Glyphosate can create biomarkers predicting disease in future generations.....IN MICE
Research Paper Golding J et al 2020 - Maternal prenatal vitamin B12 intake is associated with speech development and mathematical abilities in childhood
News Autism study suggests connection between repetitive behaviors, gut problems
Research Paper Chakraborty P et al 2020 - Gastrointestinal problems are associated with increased repetitive behaviors but not social communication difficulties in young children with autism spectrum disorders
News Study finds 10 metabolites associated with risk of stroke