Food and Behaviour Research

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News Webinar - Latest in cutting edge research in Omega-3s
News Only 3% sugar cut out from food products in three years, PHE finds
Research Paper Li L et al 2020 - Attention‐deficit/hyperactivity disorder symptoms and dietary habits in adulthood
News Sugary beverages consumed while breastfeeding affect cognitive development in children
Research Paper Berger P et al 2020 - Associations of maternal fructose and sugar-sweetened beverage and juice intake during lactation with infant neurodevelopmental outcomes
News Targeting the 'second brain' to fight diabetes
News Autism triggers nonverbal manifestation of GI symptoms in children
Research Paper Abot A et al 2020 - Identification of new enterosynes using prebiotics
Research Paper Dai H et al 2020 - Global, regional, and national burden of ischaemic heart disease and its attributable risk factors, 1990–2017
News Enhancing blood sugar control boosts brain health for people with type 2 diabetes
Research Paper Rangel-Barajas C et al 2020 - Low-level developmental lead exposure does not predispose to adult alcohol self-administration
Research Paper Jansen E et al 2023 - Associations between sleep duration and dietary quality: Results from a nationally-representative survey of US adults
News Study reveals dietary fructose heightens inflammatory bowel disease
News Soy, oat, almond, rice, coconut, dairy: which ‘milk’ is best for our health?
News Curcumin and fish oil offer cognitive boost
News Study: Habitual low fibre consumption in IBD exacerbates dysbiosis
Research Paper Santocchi E et al 2020 - Effects of Probiotic Supplementation on Gastrointestinal, Sensory and Core Symptoms in Autism Spectrum Disorders: A Randomized Controlled Trial
News World first study links obesity with reduced brain plasticity
Research Paper Kuszewski J et al 2020 - An Exploratory Analysis of Changes in Mental Wellbeing Following Curcumin and Fish Oil Supplementation in Middle-Aged and Older Adults
News Guts and brains: How microbes in a mother's intestines affect fetal neurodevelopment