Food and Behaviour Research

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News Low vitamin D levels linked to non-motor symptoms in patients with Parkinson's disease
Research Paper Hyppönen et al 2019 - A data-driven approach for studying the role of body mass in multiple diseases: a phenome-wide registry-based case-control study in the UK Biobank
News Dietary choline associated with reduced risk of dementia
Research Paper Zhang et al 2019 - Relationship between 25‐Hydroxyvitamin D, bone density, and Parkinson’s disease symptoms
News ‘Intriguing’: Prebiotics may protect against detrimental effects of early life stress
Research Paper Scholey et al 2019 - Effects of Alcohol Hangover on Cognitive Performance: Findings from a Field/Internet Mixed Methodology Study
Research Paper Speed et al 2019 - Investigating the association between body fat and depression via Mendelian randomization
Research Paper Kaliannan et al 2019 - Multi-omic analysis in transgenic mice implicates omega-6/omega-3 fatty acid imbalance as a risk factor for chronic disease
Research Paper Chiodo et al 2019 - Prenatal Alcohol Screening During Pregnancy by Midwives and Nurses
News People who eat dark chocolate less likely to be depressed
Research Paper Warren et al 2019 - Prevalence and Severity of Sesame Allergy in the United States
News How hangovers reduce brain function
News 1 August 2019 - The Conversation - Are there certain foods you can eat to reduce your risk of Alzheimer's disease?
Research Paper Luck et al 2019 - Gut-associated IgA+ immune cells regulate obesity-related insulin resistance
Research Paper Wilsher et al 2019 - “That is an Awful Lot of Fruit and Veg to Be Eating”. Focus Group Study on Motivations for the Consumption of 5 a Day in British Young Men
Research Paper Gan et al 2019 - The Effect of Vitamin D Supplementation on Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials
Research Paper Jacques et al 2019 - The impact of sugar consumption on stress driven, emotional and addictive behaviors
News Expectant mothers can mitigate the impact of marijuana on baby's brain development - with more choline
Research Paper Ylilauri et al 2019 - Associations of dietary choline intake with risk of incident dementia and with cognitive performance
News ADHD supplements: Are they effective?