Food and Behaviour Research

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Research Paper Velickovic et al 2019 - Caffeine exposure induces browning features in adipose tissue in vitro and in vivo
News Processed foods may hold key to rise in autism
Research Paper Olivier-Van Stichelen et al 2019 - Maternal Exposure to Non-nutritive Sweeteners Impacts Progeny’s Metabolism and Microbiome
Research Paper Abdelli et al 2019 - Propionic Acid Induces Gliosis and Neuro-inflammation through Modulation of PTEN/AKT Pathway in Autism Spectrum Disorder
Research Paper Novotný et al 2019 - Microbiome and Cognitive Impairment: Can Any Diets Influence Learning Processes in a Positive Way?
News Food neophobia may increase the risk of lifestyle diseases
News 18 June 2019 - Healio - Add-on fish oil for depressed patients with heart disease requires further study
Research Paper Fellows Maxwell et al 2019 - Lipid profile is associated with decreased fatigue in individuals with progressive multiple sclerosis following a diet-based intervention
Research Paper Anderson et al 2019 - The Moderating Role of Response to a Blood Glucose Challenge in Postprandial Cognition Following Consumption of Milk, Fruit Juice, and Water
Research Paper Cherbuin and Walsh 2019 - Sugar in mind: Untangling a sweet and sour relationship beyond type 2 diabetes
Research Paper Aspell et al 2019 - The Prevalence and Determinants of Vitamin D Status in Community-Dwelling Older Adults
Research Paper McLimans et al 2019 - Is CSF SOD1 a Biomarker of Tau but not Amyloid Induced Neurodegeneration in Alzheimer's Disease?
Research Paper Kim et al 2019 - Transneuronal Propagation of Pathologic α-Synuclein from the Gut to the Brain Models Parkinson’s Disease
Research Paper Metherel et al 2019 - Compound-specific isotope analysis reveals no retroconversion of DHA to EPA but substantial conversion of EPA to DHA following supplementation
News Researchers reveal issues with WHO recommended pregnancy supplements
Research Paper Leong et al 2019 - Oligosaccharides in goat’s milk-based infant formula and their prebiotic and anti-infection properties
Research Paper Li et al 2019 - Habitual tea drinking modulates brain efficiency: evidence from brain connectivity evaluation
News Study finds over a quarter of adults aged 50+ are deficient in vitamin D
News 12 June 2019 - Nutraingredients - Does our body’s blood sugar response affect our cognitive performance?
Research Paper Kalisch-Smith et al 2019 - Periconceptional alcohol exposure causes female-specific perturbations to trophoblast differentiation and placental formation in the rat