Food and Behaviour Research

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List of Information About... (2021 to 2040 of 5733)

News Children with ADHD may have higher risk for poor diet
News No safe amount of alcohol during pregnancy, suggest researchers
Research Paper Israelyan et al 2019 - Effects of Serotonin and Slow-release 5-HTP on Gastrointestinal Motility in a Mouse Model of Depression
Research Paper Ip et al 2019 - Amygdala NPY Circuits Promote the Development of Accelerated Obesity under Chronic Stress Conditions
Research Paper Yamamoto et al 2019 - Endothelial Adora2a activation promotes blood-brain barrier breakdown and cognitive impairment in mice with diet-induced insulin resistance
News Feeding juvenile rats extra omega-3 PUFAs and vitamin A shown to reduce negative health impact of stress
Research Paper Shiveley et al 2019 - Mediterranean versus Western Diet Effects on Caloric Intake, Obesity, Metabolism, and Hepatosteatosis in Nonhuman Primates
Research Paper Provensi et al 2019 - Preventing adolescent stress-induced cognitive and microbiome changes by diet
News 18 April 2019 - Questioning Answers - Saffron for ADHD?
Research Paper Wang et al 2019 - Bifidobacterium longum 1714™ Strain Modulates Brain Activity of Healthy Volunteers During Social Stress
Research Paper Adjibade et al 2019 - Prospective association between ultra-processed food consumption and incident depressive symptoms in the French NutriNet-Santé cohort
Research Paper Garcia et al 2019 - Confused health and nutrition claims in food marketing to children could adversely affect food choice and increase risk of obesity
News A poo(p) transplant for [some] autism? 2 years on with caveats...
News 12 April 2019 - Psychology Today - In the first thousand days, proper brain growth depends on a healthy microbiota
News Breast milk analyses show new opportunities for reducing risk of childhood obesity
Research Paper Taylor et al 2019 - Diet at Age 10 and 13 Years in Children Identified as Picky Eaters at Age 3 Years and in Children Who Are Persistent Picky Eaters
Research Paper Gamba et al 2019 - Sugar sweetened beverage consumption during pregnancy is associated with lower diet quality and greater total energy intake
Research Paper German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR) 2019 - Harmful compounds might be formed when foods containing the sweetener Sucralose are heated
Research Paper Ferguson et al 2019 - The Relationship Among Gastrointestinal Symptoms, Problem Behaviors, and Internalizing Symptoms in Children and Adolescents With Autism Spectrum Disorder
Research Paper Behera et al 2019 - Altered Non-Coding RNA-Histone Acetylation Regulatory Circuit Is Associated With Cognitive Impairment via Gut Dysbiosis in Aging Mice