Food and Behaviour Research

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News Millions of us swallow them by the handful, but are fish oil pills just a waste of money?
Research Paper Sabia et al 2018 - Alcohol consumption and risk of dementia: 23 year follow-up of Whitehall II cohort study
Research Paper Yasar 2018 - Relation between alcohol consumption in midlife and dementia in late life
Research Paper Kral et al 2018 - Early life influences on child weight outcomes in the Study to Explore Early Development
Research Paper Wilkinson et al 2018 - Explaining the relationship between attachment anxiety, eating behaviour and BMI
Research Paper Grimaldi et al 2018 - A prebiotic intervention study in children with autism spectrum disorders (ASDs)
Research Paper Adelantado-Renau et al 2018 - The influence of adherence to the Mediterranean diet on academic performance is mediated by sleep quality in adolescents
Research Paper Khambadkone et al 2018 - Nitrated meat products are associated with mania in humans and altered behavior and brain gene expression in rats
News 18 July 2018 - Nutraingredients - Consider a vitamin D supplement alongside breastfeeding, UK government report suggests
Research Paper Nagy-Szakal et al 2018 - Insights into myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome phenotypes through comprehensive metabolomics
Research Paper Johnson et al 2018 - Low-Calorie Sweetened Beverages and Cardiometabolic Health: A Science Advisory From the American Heart Association
News 30 July 2018 - MedicalXpress - Limit low-calorie sodas and drinks, and stick to water instead, researchers advise
Research Paper Ntlholang et al 2018 - The relationship between adiposity and cognitive function in a large community-dwelling population
Research Paper Khehra et al 2018 - UK children's breakfast cereals – an oral health perspective
Research Paper Lee et al 2018 - Neuroimaging Biomarkers of mTOR Inhibition on Vascular and Metabolic Functions in Aging Brain and Alzheimer’s Disease
News Food additives a toxic mix for kids
Research Paper Trasande et al 2018 - Food Additives and Child Health
Research Paper Elliott 2018 - The Nutritional Quality of Gluten-Free Products for Children
News Neuroscience News - How the Brain Controls Food Cravings
News Mediterranean diet may improve academic performance by affecting sleep