Food and Behaviour Research

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News 22 May 2018 - BBC - An egg a day to keep the doctor away?
News Women need better information about drinking in pregnancy
News Study finds vitamin D supplement decreases wheezing for black preterm infants
Research Paper Hibbs et al 2018 - Effect of Vitamin D Supplementation on Recurrent Wheezing in Black Infants Who Were Born Preterm
Research Paper Qin et al 2018 - Associations of egg consumption with cardiovascular disease in a cohort study of 0.5 million Chinese adults
News Autism is not linked to eating fish in pregnancy
Research Paper Portnoy et al 2018 - Reductions of intimate partner violence resulting from supplementing children with omega-3 fatty acids
Research Paper Brown and Trickey 2018 - Devising and communicating public health alcohol guidance for expectant and new mothers
Research Paper Miliku et al 2018 - Human milk oligosaccharide profiles and food sensitization among infants in the CHILD Study
Research Paper Rimm et al 2018 - Seafood Long-Chain n-3 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids and Cardiovascular Disease: A Science Advisory From the American Heart Association
Research Paper Croll et al 2018 - Better diet quality relates to larger brain tissue volumes: The Rotterdam Study
News How the gut influences neurologic disease
Research Paper Rothhammer et al 2018 - Microglial control of astrocytes in response to microbial metabolites
News 15 May 2018 - MedicalXpress - Some calories more harmful than others
Research Paper Schuetze et al 2018 - Prenatal Risk and Infant Regulation: Indirect Pathways via Fetal Growth and Maternal Prenatal Stress and Anger
Research Paper Stanhope et al 2018 - Pathways and mechanisms linking dietary components to cardiometabolic disease
News ADHD Symptoms Directly Relate to Binge and Restrictive Eating
Research Paper Shaham-Niv et al 2018 - Differential inhibition of metabolite amyloid formation by generic fibrillation-modifying polyphenols
Research Paper Aljondi et al 2018 - A decade of changes in brain volume and cognition
Research Paper Barker et al 2018 - Intervention strategies to improve nutrition and health behaviours before conception