Food and Behaviour Research

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Research Paper Galera et al 2018 - Prenatal diet and children's trajectories of hyperactivity-inattention and conduct problems from 3 to 8 years
Research Paper Alabduljader et al 2018 - Ecological momentary assessment of food perceptions and eating behavior using a novel phone application in adults with or without obesity
Research Paper Garg et al 2018 - The effect of vitamin D on intestinal inflammation and faecal microbiota in patients with ulcerative colitis
News Pregnancy diet and offspring "hyperactivity-inattention symptoms"?
Research Paper Constanzo et al 2018 - Effect of dietary fat intake and genetics on fat taste sensitivity: a co-twin randomized controlled trial
Research Paper Saleem et al 2018 - High-dose vitamin D3 in the treatment of severe acute malnutrition: a multicenter double-blind randomized controlled trial
Research Paper Vega-Torres et al 2018 - Exposure to an obesogenic diet during adolescence leads to abnormal maturation of neural and behavioral substrates underpinning fear and anxiety
Research Paper Forsyth et al 2018 - The effects of the Mediterranean diet on rheumatoid arthritis prevention and treatment: a systematic review of human prospective studies
Research Paper Brambilla et al 2018 - Pediatric Scurvy: When Contemporary Eating Habits Bring Back the Past
News 24 April 2018 - BBC - How bacteria are changing your mood
News Lancet nutrition series: Pre-pregnancy supplementation ‘insufficient’ to boost offspring health
News 26 April 2018 - Nutraingredients - Not just fish oil: Fish protein could help prevent Parkinson's, says study
Research Paper van Strien 2018 - Causes of Emotional Eating and Matched Treatment of Obesity
News Lack of iron and B12 tied to aggression in boys
News Maternal binge drinking linked to mood problems and alcohol abuse in offspring
Research Paper Braarud et al 2018 - Maternal DHA Status during Pregnancy Has a Positive Impact on Infant Problem Solving
Research Paper Brancato et al 2018 - Pre-conceptional and Peri-Gestational Maternal Binge Alcohol Drinking Produces Inheritance of Mood Disturbances and Alcohol Vulnerability in the Adolescent Offspring
Research Paper Golding et al 2018 - Prenatal mercury exposure and features of autism: a prospective population study
Research Paper Rondanelli et al 2018 - Food pyramid for subjects with chronic pain: foods and dietary constituents as anti-inflammatory and antioxidant agents
News 22 April 2018 - MedicalXpress - Why zero-calorie sweeteners can still lead to diabetes, obesity