Food and Behaviour Research

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Adult Mental Health: The Role of Nutrition - WATCH HERE

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Research Paper Ahmed et al 2015 - Analysis of hospital cost outcome of DHA-rich fish-oil supplementation in pregnancy: Evidence from a randomized controlled trial.
Research Paper Koubaa S et al (2015) - Biomarkers of nutrition and stress in pregnant women with a history of eating disorders in relation to head circumference and neurocognitive function
Research Paper Catassi 2015 - Gluten Sensitivity.
News Lower availability of omega-3 fatty acids associated with bipolar disorder
News Why Most People Fail to 'Get the Fats Right' - and How You can do Better!
News Supplements may improve teenage behaviour in school: Oxford researchers
Research Paper Sakayori et al 2015 - Maternal dietary imbalance between omega-6 and omega-3 PUFA impairs neocortical development via epoxy metabolites
Research Paper Svatikova et al 2015 - A Randomized Trial of Cardiovascular Responses to Energy Drink Consumption in Healthy Adults
Research Paper Tammam et al 2015 - Behavioural effects of vitamin, mineral and n-3 fatty acid supplementation in adolescent schoolchildren - RCT
Research Paper Fardet et al, 2015 - Current food classifications in epidemiological studies do not enable solid nutritional recommendations for preventing diet-related chronic diseases: the impact of food processing
Research Paper Lotrich et al 2015 - Polyunsaturated fatty acids moderate the effect of poor sleep on depression risk.
Research Paper Li et al 2015 - Fish consumption and risk of depression: a meta-analysis.
News Two decades of data and 100,000 participants support role of lutein-zeaxanthin in lowering AMD risk
Research Paper Appleton et al 2015 - Omega-3 fatty acids for depression in adults
News Dietary Omega-3 Linked to Lower Risk of First Diagnosis of Central Nervous System Demyelination
Research Paper Saunders et al 2015 - Low EPA in plasma associated with bipolar disorder episodes, and omega-3 plasma concentrations altered by treatment
Research Paper Marwitz et al 2015 - Western-style diet induces insulin insensitivity and hyperactivity in adolescent male rats
Research Paper Miller et al 2015 - Vitamin D Status and Rates of Cognitive Decline in a Multiethnic Cohort of Older Adults
Research Paper Wang et al 2015 - Serum concentration of Vitamin D in autism spectrum disorder: a systematic review and meta-analysis
News 28th Oct 2015 - Nutraingredients - Prebiotics could be used to battle neuropsychiatric disorders: Oxford study