Food and Behaviour Research

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Adult Mental Health: The Role of Nutrition - WATCH HERE

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Link The Food and Nutrition Information Center -
Link Centre for Educational Research and Innovation (CERI) - Brain and Learning
Research Paper Hong et al., 2015 - Disruptive Behavior in Preschool Children: Distinguishing Normal Misbehavior from Markers of Current and Later Childhood Conduct Disorder
Research Paper Bull et al., 2015 - Extensive literature search as preparatory work for the safety assessment for caffeine
Research Paper Dodd et al., 2015 - Leptin and Insulin Act on POMC Neurons to Promote the Browning of White Fat.
Research Paper BDA, 2015 - Policy Statement: Interventions which reduce the consumption of energy from sugary drinks in children
Research Paper Cannon et al., 2015 - Progressive reduction in cortical thickness as psychosis develops: a multisite longitudinal neuroimaging study of youth at elevated clinical risk.
Research Paper Buxton et al., 2015 - Sleep in the modern family: protective family routines for child and adolescent sleep
Research Paper Fernell et al 2015 - Autism spectrum disorder and low vitamin D at birth: a sibling control study.
Research Paper Nurliyana et al., 2015 - Dietary patterns and cognitive ability among 12- to 13 year-old adolescents in Selangor, Malaysia.
Research Paper Wang et al., 2015 - Effect of a moderate fat diet with and without avocados on lipoprotein particle number, size and subclasses in overweight and obese adults: a randomized, controlled trial.
Research Paper Wu et al., 2015 - Association Between Dietary Whole Grain Intake and Risk of Mortality
Research Paper Warinner et al, 2015 - Ancient human microbiomes.
Research Paper Bohórquez et al., 2015 - Neuroepithelial circuit formed by innervation of sensory enteroendocrine cells.
Research Paper Fabbrini et al., 2015 - Metabolically normal obese people are protected from adverse effects following weight gain
Research Paper Conner et al., 2014 - Optimal Serum Selenium Concentrations Are Associated with Lower Depressive Symptoms and Negative Mood among Young Adults.
Research Paper Schiavon et al., 2015 - Nutrition education intervention for women with breast cancer: effect on nutritional factors and oxidative stress.
Research Paper Brenske et al., 2015 - Mitigating or exacerbating effects of maternal-fetal programming of female mice through the food choice environment.
Research Paper Wu et al., 2015 - Omega-3 fatty acids intake and risks of dementia and Alzheimer's disease: a meta-analysis.