Food and Behaviour Research

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Adult Mental Health: The Role of Nutrition - WATCH HERE

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Research Paper Morris et al 2003 - Depression and folate status in the US Population.
Research Paper Osborn et al - 2003 - Formulas containing hydrolysed protein for prevention of allergy and food intolerance in infants
Research Paper Tully et al 2003 - Low DHA levels in Alzheimer's disease
Research Paper Wardle et al 2003 - Increasing children's acceptance of vegetables; a randomized trial of parent-led exposure
Research Paper Crawford et al 2003 - The potential role for arachidonic and docosahexaenoic acids in protection against some central nervous system injuries in preterm infants
Research Paper Chiu et al 2003 - Polyunsaturated fatty acid deficit in bipolar mania.
Research Paper Kuloglu et al 2003 - Serum iron levels in schizophrenic patients with or without akathisia
Research Paper Vaddadi et al 2003 - Low blood selenium concentrations in schizophrenic patients on clozapine
Research Paper Taylor et al 2003 - Folate for depressive disorders
Research Paper Amore et al 2003 - Can breast-feeding protect against schizophrenia?
Research Paper Buydens-Branchey & Branchey 2003 - Association between low plasma levels of cholesterol and relapse in cocaine addicts
Research Paper Chiu et al 2003 - Omega-3 Fatty Acids for Depression in Pregnancy
Research Paper Hudson & Tabet 2003 - Acetyl-L-carnitine for dementia.
Research Paper Miller 2003 - The methionine-homocysteine cycle and its effects on cognitive diseases.
Research Paper Morris et al 2003 - Dietary fats and the risk of incident Alzheimer disease.
Research Paper Spanier et al 2003 - Systematic review of alternative therapies in IBS
Research Paper Wardle et al 2003 - Modifying children's food preferences: the effects of exposure and reward on acceptance of an unfamiliar vegetable
News 21 Jan 2003 - Diet and Behaviour at the UK Parliament
Research Paper Joy et al 2003 - Polyunsaturated fatty acid supplementation for schizophrenia: a systematic review
News Rebuilding the Food Pyramid