Food and Behaviour Research

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News Obesity in teens raises adult diabetes risk, even after weight loss
Research Paper Chen Y et al 2021 - Regulation of Neurotransmitters by the Gut Microbiota and Effects on Cognition in Neurological Disorders
Research Paper Buckland G et al 2021 - The relationship between dietary intakes and plasma concentrations of PUFA in school-age children from the Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children (ALSPAC) cohort
Research Paper Borsini A et al 2021 - Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids protect against inflammation through production of LOX and CYP450 lipid mediators: relevance for major depression and for human hippocampal neurogenesis
News Low-fiber, high-fat diets adversely impact the gut
News Urgent action needed to reduce harms of ultra-processed foods to British children
Research Paper Chang K et al 2021 - Association Between Childhood Consumption of Ultraprocessed Food and Adiposity Trajectories in the Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children Birth Cohort
News Brain alterations detected in obese children
News Professor clarifies benefits of magnesium supplementation in pregnancy and hormonal disorders
News Sugar overload may be a recipe for long-term problems
News Association between blood plasma lipids and risk of Alzheimer's disease
Research Paper Beecher et al 2021 - Long-Term Overconsumption of Sugar Starting at Adolescence Produces Persistent Hyperactivity and Neurocognitive Deficits in Adulthood
News Vegan diets in children may bring heart benefits but pose growth risks
Research Paper Boyd J et al 2021 - Elevated dietary ω-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids induce reversible peripheral nerve dysfunction that exacerbates comorbid pain conditions
News Gut to brain: Nerve cells detect what we eat
Research Paper Desmond M et al 2021 - Growth, body composition, and cardiovascular and nutritional risk of 5- to 10-y-old children consuming vegetarian, vegan, or omnivore diets
Research Paper Daniel N et al 2021 - Dietary fat and low fiber in purified diets differently impact the gut-liver axis to promote obesity-linked metabolic impairments
Research Paper Shi et al 2021 - Fructose and metabolic diseases: too much to be good
Research Paper Vazirani 2021 - COVID-19, an Incentive to Tackle Sugar in Hospitals and at Home
Research Paper Li M et al 2021 - Effect of folic acid combined with docosahexaenoic acid intervention on mild cognitive impairment in elderly